
Custom scripts

Each page can be enhanced by using custom JavaScript, you can create the following JavaScript files (each to be placed in the /js directory):

  • global.js - global script file that is included on every page,

  • post.js - post/page specific scripts,

  • home.js - script to be included on the homepage,

  • category.js - script to be included on category pages.

You can use the modern JS features, all scripts are compiled using babel and minified before being published.


The following methods are available in the global JavaScript library (please note that this library is loaded asynchronously, meaning it might be unavailable on page load).

  • window.Phaistos.addClass - add class to a Node element, accepts two arguments, node (the DOM element) and className (the name of the class to be added).

  • window.Phaistos.removeClass - remove class from a Node element, accepts two arguments, node (the DOM element) and className (the name of the class to be removed).

  • window.Phaistos.get - send a GET request, accepts 4 arguments, url (required), params (Object - key value pairs appended as query parameters), and onLoad/onError callbacks.

  • - send a POST request, accepts 4 arguments, url (required), body (Object - key value pairs sent as the request body), and onLoad/onError callbacks.

Loading external scripts

To load external scripts, the global enqueueScript function should be used. This accepts two arguments: